The Rat Diaries

A blog to show you that rats might just be…not so bad, after all.

Resources and Information for Those Grieving a Lost Pet July 24, 2014

Over the years, when I’d stop for a moment and wonder what life would be like without Cricket, I saw myself being sad, but getting over the loss within a day or two. I thought losing a pet wasn’t a tremendously huge deal – when my goldfish Guppy died, I don’t think I even cried. You never hear about someone mourning a pet.
But now that Cricket’s actually gone, I feel…painfully empty. It’s been a week, and I still cry. The weird thing is, I never even felt all that close to Cricket. She was my dog. I pet her, she laid on my lap. Throw in a few occasional walks and that was it. But maybe I just felt that way because she was always there. It’s been forever since I’ve not had a dog, and I never realized how big a part of my life she had become. She was everywhere, and now that she’s gone, my house feels empty.
That first night, I found myself too upset to sleep. So I got online and looked around for anything to help me feel better. Below are some of the articles and Websites I found. If you’re dealing with the loss of a pet, too, I hope one of the links below gives you some comfort. As always, thanks for reading. (more…)